Location-based Marketing Statistics

Location-based Marketing Statistics

We have gathered compelling location-based marketing statistics that demonstrate the effectiveness of this strategy:

  • 90% of consumers are more likely to engage with brands that offer personalized experiences based on their location.
  • Location-based mobile marketing campaigns see a 14% increase in conversion rates compared to generic campaigns.
  • 80% of consumers are more likely to visit a store if they receive personalized offers based on their current location.
    Location-based marketing drives a 32% increase in foot traffic to physical stores.
  • 70% of consumers feel that location-based marketing improves their shopping experience by providing relevant information and offers.
  • In a recent study, 63% of marketers reported that location-based marketing increased their customer engagement and loyalty.

These statistics highlight the power of real-time location-based advertising in driving customer engagement and boosting conversions.

At DigiChant, we are experts in harnessing the power of location-based marketing to help businesses effectively reach their target audience. Our cutting-edge technology and data-driven insights allow us to create personalized and impactful marketing campaigns that deliver results. By analyzing location data, we can pinpoint the exact target market for our clients and craft highly targeted advertisements that resonate with their audience. Whether you want to increase foot traffic to your brick-and-mortar store or drive online conversions, our location-based advertising solutions will help you achieve your goals.

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